商务部驻英国使馆经商处(2010-09-17 23:08:33) 点击数:727
(1)Photocopy of Registration Certificate of the British Employer, issued by UK Company House.
(2)Photocopy of valid Sponsorship License of the British Employer, issued by UK Home Office.
(3) Introduction to the British employer on a Company-Title-Paper with a contact person and contact details, provided and signed by the legal representative of the British Employer.
(4) The British Employer shall present a letter prepared and signed by a practicing lawyer in the U.K., certifying the following, a)the British employer has signed a contract with the applying Chinese company regarding the supply of labor from China to the U.K.; b) the British Employer has entrusted the applying Chinese company to conduct labor import/export in accordance with the contract; c) the labor supplied from China will be recruited by the British Employer in accordance with the contract and the U.K laws.
(1)上述第一部分和第二部分提及的全部材料请通过邮寄或传真方式一次性提交。邮件地址为Commercial Section, Chinese Embassy in the U.K. London W2 3LH, the United Kingdom。传真号码为:0044-20-77062777。