江苏连云港华天国际劳务VIP 0
商务部提醒:劳务人员出国务工要“看清企业资质,签订正式合同,认准工作签证,只交规定费用”。本页面内容由 江苏连云港华天国际劳务 自行发布,所有资料的真实性可靠性请自行判断,报名或交费前请注意查看营业执照与相关资质文件原件。
地址:江苏 连云港 连云港市新浦区解放西路38号
电话:0518 83366966
传真:0518 83366966
QQ:1787094887 2857214078 2428142236 1142492270
江苏连云港市华天国际劳务有限公司 江苏连云港市华天国际劳务有限公司是经江苏省劳动和社会保障厅,连云港市工商局,连云港市国,地税局,连云港市技术监督局审核批准成立的正规合法的劳务输出机构,荣获2009年连云港市重合同守信用单位,主要从事国际劳务输出,国内劳务派遣等业务。公司下设8个办事处,一个培训中心,有市经济人资格证书3人,省劳动厅职业介绍许可资格证书4人,拥有员工20余人。公司秉承“先做人,后做事,诚实守信,心系客户,创优服务”的理念,自成立以来已为新加坡,韩国,日本,苏丹,利比亚,安哥拉,阿联酋,澳大利亚,加拿大,沙特,德国,英国等多个国家输出劳务人员800多人。工种涉及建筑工,水电工,电焊工,驾驶员(挖掘机,推土机,翻斗车等),汽车维修,家电维修,厨师,打杂等各类工厂普通工人。您只需一个电话,我们将以热情、周到、全方位的服务为您解答有关劳务信息和问题,并积极为您办理各种手续,让您花较少的钱,在最短时间内圆您出国梦。公司为连云港国际劳务网五星级会员(第一股东),在连云港乃至全国有广泛的知名度。诚邀国内外各合作公司的加盟与合作,实现共赢。 欢迎致电本公司: 0518-83366966 13961355895 15061305812 15896110080 13151378138 QQ: 1787094887 2857214078 1015367272 279436999 630483370 2606150163 公司注册号:320705000022120 公司网址:www.gjlw0518.net 公司口号:诚实守信、项目稳定、经验丰富、快速出境、短期致富! 欢迎致电本公司;+86-0518-83366966 15050912722 15896110080 13151378138 公司总部:中国江苏省连云港市新浦区解放西路38号 Lianyungang Huatian International Labour Service Co., LtdAwarded good credibility honour in 2009, Huatian International Labour Service Co.,Ltd (HILS), issued by Jiangsu Province labour & social security Hall, Lianyungang Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Lianyungang Internal Revenue Bureau, Lianyungang Local Taxation Bureau, and Lianyungang Technical Supervision Bureau, is a formally legal labour export agency, which mainly specializes in sorts of business concerned with international labour export & domestic labour service dispatches. It comes into the possession of 8 offices & 1 training centre, with 3 higher achievers who are qualified to obtain agent certificate, 4 clerical workers who are certified by ministry of labour in Jiangsu Province, in excess of 20 employees. Since establishment, it has provided over 800 occupations with foreign requirement from Singapore, Korea, Japan, Sudan, Libya, Angola, UAE, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UK, etc., in the belief of oneself first, after work, honest & trustworthy, and service excellence. Classifications of employment are in reference with construction workers, plumbers, electric welders, vehicle drivers who are able to drive excavator, bulldozer, tipper etc., car mechanics, home appliance maintenance technicians, chefs, choremen, and so on. Only by a call from customers can we zealously and enthusiastically solve problems involved in labour service and be positive to go&